I found some more information off of Steve Smith's site
The full product is becoming harder to obtain now that it's sequel, Grand
Prix 2, has been released World-wide. In Europe, call MicroProse in the UK
on +44-1454-329510 (or fax +44-1454-326499) to ask for a local distributor
or order the game directly. Digital Integration sell a budget version on
floppy and CD; call +44-1276-684959. In the US, call 800-879-PLAY
(+1-619-693-1200 from outside the US), or fax 800-PC1-GAME (+1-619-530-0229
outside the US).
John Slade
>I'm trying to get hold of F1GP the orgiginal for the PC but i can't find it
>the shops anywhere?!!! (in the UK)
>Since they're obviously not bothered about making any more money out of it,
>anyone know where i can download it??? :)
>Or email i me or send it here or anything...
>Anthony Clarke