And don't even think about touching the apron, or you'll be in the
wall in a flash!
Watkins Glen is a neat course, it can be fun trying to get the car
slowed down before the loop at the end of the backstretch.
I like those tracks, Bristol is also one of my favorite tracks as
well, I've always done well there. I can be very competative there at
100% AI with no change from the default race setup. (If you go
through traffic ok, it is easy (well, nothings easy at Bristol!) to
get a good finish. I should probably learn more about setups, I spend
enougth time doing school work however, maybe I could get the Physics
department at my university to make a physics course about NASCAR 2!
(put my money to good use for a change!) I had an interesting race at
Bristol a few weeks ago, I was running in the lead at about lap 230 of
the 250 lap race, when an accident occured right in front of me! I
hit one of the cars and the hood and back end of my car were smashed
in. I made it to the pits and the pit crew managed to fix most of the
damage while keeping me on the lead lap, and in the lead (most of the
field was one lap down, accept the R. Wallace car). I still managed
to win the race, although Rusty was closing fast! So, Hickery should
be interesting when the track pack comes out!