Been reading a few posts here about LFS S1 full version and it sounds very
good. But will it be good for me? I race offline only therefore good,
competative, fast, non-stupid AI are a must for me! I am in the process of
downloading the 41mb demo right now to give it a good trial run before
commiting to the full 140mb download and paying for the full game. Some
questions. If I buy the full S1 release online, (never bought software
online before) am I allowed to write it to CD-R for safe keeping in case I
need to re-install it many times in the future? (Very, very likely!). Also,
I will need to borrow the use of my parents credit card number to pay for
it. Will the game then have to be registered in e.g. my Mothers name? Please
tell me your true thoughts on this Sim/Game, and if it has an excellent
Single player AI capability both now and in the S2-S3 versions in the
future. Things of interest to me would be how many AI drivers per race,
frame rates at say 1280x1024x16 and anything else of note to do with the
software really that you can think of, (especially serious bugs, errors or
problems). Please help me to decide whether to buy what sounds like a very
enjoyable Sim/Game. Thank you for any help.