> I have been playing alot of SPORTSCAR GT lately, and I am quite
>impressed with it. However, I am wondering if there is any way that I
>can set up the "Career Mode" so that i can race in the GTQ or GT3 series
>but with ALL the tracks enabled?
> Does anyone know whether or not this can be done? Thanks in advance
>for any help you guys can give me!!
Yes, you need to edit the matrix.mc file, which is in your dat folder.
Here are the steps:
1. The matrix.mc file is a zipped file. Just open it with winzip and extract
it to a temporary folder.
2. Now you may open matrix.mc with a text editor like Notepad.
3. Go down to the career season track info section.
4. You'll see that GTQ has only 3 races, while, for example, GT1 has 10.
5. It should be fairly obvious what needs to be done next. Just add your own
races. For example, I added the following line:
SPCAR_SEASON_GTQ ="Desert Speedway/15/20/45/90"
This adds the Desert Speedway race to the GTQ season. The numbers are
short, medium etc race durations (in minutes).
6. After completing your modifications to the matrix.mc file, place it back
in the dat folder, replacing the original one (back up the original one!)
There is no need to zip it up again.