MY OPINION ONLY - which was not bought or influenced by free product.
It really depends on your budget. If you can afford $250 and up, Thomas
Superwheels (TSW) offer some excellent wheel variations to suit almost any
preference. The caveat here being, they do not offer ForceFeedback.
If you are more in the $250 and under budget and want ForceFeedback, I
recommend the ACT-LABS Force RS wheel and RS Shifter combo which can be had
for $189.00 from their site. (http://www.act-labs.com). This is the combo I
personally use.
You can read my review of the ACT-LABS Force RS and RS Shifter at
Scott B. Husted
be had for $189.00 from their site. (http://www.act-labs.com).
Ditto on ACT labs... I just broke my saitek (not bad but not super
solid - obviously), and got a Force RS today. Very very nice,
especially the pedals which stay put !!! And you don't need the shifter
add-on for F1 games anyway, which brings it down to $150....
Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/
Before you buy.
Tweaks & Reviews
Scott B. Husted
ICQ #4395450
Editor in Chief
Kieran Larkin
www.PCracing.co.uk for the best racing news
> > If you are more in the $250 and under budget and want ForceFeedback, I
> > recommend the ACT-LABS Force RS wheel and RS Shifter combo which can
> be had for $189.00 from their site. (http://www.act-labs.com).
> Ditto on ACT labs... I just broke my saitek (not bad but not super
> solid - obviously), and got a Force RS today. Very very nice,
> especially the pedals which stay put !!! And you don't need the shifter
> add-on for F1 games anyway, which brings it down to $150....
> Greg.
> Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/
> Before you buy.
If you dont buy it now--youll buy it after the plastic ones.
x-no-archive: yes
I have a MSFF, and like it, but when it needs replacing I will consider the
Act-Labs wheel. Is the wheel optical like the MSFF?