Sports Car GT - Some questions for the veterans...


Sports Car GT - Some questions for the veterans...

by daisykillb » Wed, 02 Jan 2002 10:30:06

I love this particular form of racing...

I've been playing SCGT for about 6 months.
I have the boxed CD, the official 1.551 patch and an alternate US Pits
1.551 patch. Also, the Ban-scene patch to unpack the scene.mas.
I'm playing on a 1.4Ghz AMD with a GeForce3 Ti200.

I've carefully performed a fresh, full-install(many times) and played.
Of course, after the cube error, I apply the patch. I've also taken
care of all the usual errors (cube, flg, etc) that I've seen posted.

given track will load. Many times, it just dumps out to the desktop
with no error message (even in the log).
I tried the max to low detail settings in all combinations but it has
no effect on whether 1024x768 will dump out.
At 800x600, the problem disappears. But 800x600 on a 19" monitor two

1024x768 looks better to me.
At this point, I'm all out of ideas...
I feel forced to use 800x600.

I love all of the add-ons for this game. I've downloaded over a Gig of
tracks, cars, etc. The third-party community for SCGT is better than
any other game that I've seen. But please, keep in mind that the
problems I'm refering to occur before I add all of these extras on.
Otherwise, I'd naturally have something to troubleshoot.

Anyone that always uses 1024x768 with an Nvidia card, let me know!
Could it be that SCGT is better designed for a Voodoo card?
Is there something that I can edit to make it more stabile?

3D add-ons) and MTBR run great as well. So, I don't think it's a PC

Hal Raymo

Sports Car GT - Some questions for the veterans...

by Hal Raymo » Wed, 02 Jan 2002 16:31:26

Try this:

> I love this particular form of racing...

> I've been playing SCGT for about 6 months.
> I have the boxed CD, the official 1.551 patch and an alternate US Pits
> 1.551 patch. Also, the Ban-scene patch to unpack the scene.mas.
> I'm playing on a 1.4Ghz AMD with a GeForce3 Ti200.

> I've carefully performed a fresh, full-install(many times) and played.
> Of course, after the cube error, I apply the patch. I've also taken
> care of all the usual errors (cube, flg, etc) that I've seen posted.

> given track will load. Many times, it just dumps out to the desktop
> with no error message (even in the log).
> I tried the max to low detail settings in all combinations but it has
> no effect on whether 1024x768 will dump out.
> At 800x600, the problem disappears. But 800x600 on a 19" monitor two

> 1024x768 looks better to me.
> At this point, I'm all out of ideas...
> I feel forced to use 800x600.

> I love all of the add-ons for this game. I've downloaded over a Gig of
> tracks, cars, etc. The third-party community for SCGT is better than
> any other game that I've seen. But please, keep in mind that the
> problems I'm refering to occur before I add all of these extras on.
> Otherwise, I'd naturally have something to troubleshoot.

> Anyone that always uses 1024x768 with an Nvidia card, let me know!
> Could it be that SCGT is better designed for a Voodoo card?
> Is there something that I can edit to make it more stabile?

> 3D add-ons) and MTBR run great as well. So, I don't think it's a PC
> problem.


Sports Car GT - Some questions for the veterans...

by daisykillb » Thu, 03 Jan 2002 05:34:19

> Try this:


I have used that patch. I've dealt with the cube errors.

I'm talking about general instability with 1024x768.
Please read my post above.


Sports Car GT - Some questions for the veterans...

by Haqsa » Thu, 03 Jan 2002 12:52:33

> > Try this:
> ________________________________________________________

> I have used that patch. I've dealt with the cube errors.

> I'm talking about general instability with 1024x768.
> Please read my post above.

Okay think about this for a minute smartass.  You have carefully gone
through and enumerated all of the things that you have fixed (although
"cube error" is not nearly as specific as you seem to think it is) and
you have insisted that there is nothing wrong with your PC.  Then the
first time someone tries to help, you respond by telling him to re-read
your post.  You don't really want an answer do you?

Sports Car GT - Some questions for the veterans...

by daisykillb » Thu, 03 Jan 2002 16:05:06

Whoa Haqsau...

What I meant was that I've used the 1024 fix that's posted above.

I researched it myself by reading your previous posts.
You've been quite helpful. I have two of your posts bookmarked
because the advice was excellent for dealing with the flg00.bmp
and the cloudb00.bmp problems. But now when it dumps out, it
leaves no message on the desktop or in the error log. So I don't
have a trail to follow.

I see people post questions constantly that have been answered
time and time again. That's what I wanted to "cut through".
As far as my computer, I have no problems with other games. Not to
say that it couldn't be my computer. But I didn't want the typical
form responses like "buy a bigger power supply".

I'm still very curious if anyone with an Nvidia card runs all tracks
in all conditions at 1024x768.

I came to board looking for answers.
Not to offend.


> Okay think about this for a minute smartass.  You have carefully gone
> through and enumerated all of the things that you have fixed (although
> "cube error" is not nearly as specific as you seem to think it is) and
> you have insisted that there is nothing wrong with your PC.  Then the
> first time someone tries to help, you respond by telling him to re-read
> your post.  You don't really want an answer do you?


Sports Car GT - Some questions for the veterans...

by Krunc » Thu, 03 Jan 2002 23:24:36

I run SCGT at 1024x768 full detail on a Geforce 2mx400 - but only after
removing the 'anim' sections from each of the scene files of the crashing
tracks. Its not clear from your post if you have tried that approach. I got
that advice from this NG many months ago. Here is what I ended up doing:

This works for all tracks except Sebring.

- You should take note of the error messages you get when the game crashes
in each of the broken tracks.
- If you haven't already done so get the 'Ban Scene' utility and extract all
the track files.
- Note that the detail level you run the tracks at in the game will
determine which files you'll need to edit. The highest track detail relates
to all the xxxx4.scn files - the lowest = xxxx1.scn.
- Go into the DAT folder and backup all the *.scn files you expect to edit
(eg atln4.scn, chta4.scn, etc.)
- Open up each chosen .scn file and comment out the "AnimRuleName" code
referring to the file reported after the crash (often flga, or logow00.bmp,
etc - if there is no error message just comment out ALL the "AnimRuleName"
code), then save the file. Eg in ATLN4.scn I did this:

//  AnimBaseName=logow
//  AnimFrames=(4)
//  AnimMethod=cycle
//  AnimRate=(15.0)

  NOTE: I put // in front of each line to make the game ignore it - this has
the same effect as deleteing them but its a bit safer.

- You should now be able to play all but Sebring at 1024x768

Now my fix for Sebring:

- the SEBAMAP.MAS file seems to be missing 2 image files
- Use the MASpuce utility by Tagforce to extract FLGA.BMP from ATLNMAPS.MAS
- Make a copy of it and rename the copy FLGB.BMP
- Use MASpuce to add FLGA.BMP & FLGB.BMP into the SEBAMAP.MAS file.

Good luck,

> Whoa Haqsau...

> What I meant was that I've used the 1024 fix that's posted above.

> I researched it myself by reading your previous posts.
> You've been quite helpful. I have two of your posts bookmarked
> because the advice was excellent for dealing with the flg00.bmp
> and the cloudb00.bmp problems. But now when it dumps out, it
> leaves no message on the desktop or in the error log. So I don't
> have a trail to follow.

> I see people post questions constantly that have been answered
> time and time again. That's what I wanted to "cut through".
> As far as my computer, I have no problems with other games. Not to
> say that it couldn't be my computer. But I didn't want the typical
> form responses like "buy a bigger power supply".

> I'm still very curious if anyone with an Nvidia card runs all tracks
> in all conditions at 1024x768.

> I came to board looking for answers.
> Not to offend.

> ___________________________________________________

- Show quoted text -


Sports Car GT - Some questions for the veterans...

by Haqsa » Fri, 04 Jan 2002 09:12:37

Actually that is precisely what the patch does that I was referring to,
and which Daisy apparently already has.  Nice post though.  ;o)


- Show quoted text -

> //  AnimMethod=cycle
> //  AnimRate=(15.0)
> //}

>   NOTE: I put // in front of each line to make the game ignore it -
this has
> the same effect as deleteing them but its a bit safer.

> - You should now be able to play all but Sebring at 1024x768
> res.

> Now my fix for Sebring:

> - the SEBAMAP.MAS file seems to be missing 2 image files
> - Use the MASpuce utility by Tagforce to extract FLGA.BMP from
> - Make a copy of it and rename the copy FLGB.BMP
> - Use MASpuce to add FLGA.BMP & FLGB.BMP into the SEBAMAP.MAS file.

> Good luck,

> > Whoa Haqsau...

> > What I meant was that I've used the 1024 fix that's posted above.

> > I researched it myself by reading your previous posts.
> > You've been quite helpful. I have two of your posts bookmarked
> > because the advice was excellent for dealing with the flg00.bmp
> > and the cloudb00.bmp problems. But now when it dumps out, it
> > leaves no message on the desktop or in the error log. So I don't
> > have a trail to follow.

> > I see people post questions constantly that have been answered
> > time and time again. That's what I wanted to "cut through".
> > As far as my computer, I have no problems with other games. Not to
> > say that it couldn't be my computer. But I didn't want the typical
> > form responses like "buy a bigger power supply".

> > I'm still very curious if anyone with an Nvidia card runs all tracks
> > in all conditions at 1024x768.

> > I came to board looking for answers.
> > Not to offend.

> > ___________________________________________________

> > > Okay think about this for a minute smartass.  You have carefully
> > > through and enumerated all of the things that you have fixed
> > > "cube error" is not nearly as specific as you seem to think it is)
> > > you have insisted that there is nothing wrong with your PC.  Then
> > > first time someone tries to help, you respond by telling him to
> > > your post.  You don't really want an answer do you?


Sports Car GT - Some questions for the veterans...

by Haqsa » Fri, 04 Jan 2002 09:19:01

Whoops, guess I was feeling a little hypersensitive yesterday.  Sorry,
and thanks for understanding.  While your message was very detailed, I
didn't see anything in there about video drivers.  Have you tried
different drivers?  Some games are more driver sensitive than others, so
the fact that your other games work okay doesn't necessarily mean that
these drivers are okay for SCGT.  I am still pretty convinced though
that SCGT has a fundamental problem with memory management that was
never fixed.  For example, on my PC I still get cube errors at 1024x768
even in software mode, unless I use that patch.  But Telson, they guy
who did most of the work on the patch, said the cube errors went away
when he went to Windows 2000.  I didn't see mention of which OS you use,
and I certainly wouldn't suggest an OS switch just in case it might fix
SCGT, I'm just saying it might be a factor.  One other thing - if you
play SCGT immediately after a fresh boot, do you still have the problem?
I have often found that certain games will work fine but leave my PC in
such a state that I can't play anything else until I reboot.  Perhaps
there is some other game or app that is causing the problem.  Just some

> Whoa Haqsau...

> What I meant was that I've used the 1024 fix that's posted above.

> I researched it myself by reading your previous posts.
> You've been quite helpful. I have two of your posts bookmarked
> because the advice was excellent for dealing with the flg00.bmp
> and the cloudb00.bmp problems. But now when it dumps out, it
> leaves no message on the desktop or in the error log. So I don't
> have a trail to follow.

> I see people post questions constantly that have been answered
> time and time again. That's what I wanted to "cut through".
> As far as my computer, I have no problems with other games. Not to
> say that it couldn't be my computer. But I didn't want the typical
> form responses like "buy a bigger power supply".

> I'm still very curious if anyone with an Nvidia card runs all tracks
> in all conditions at 1024x768.

> I came to board looking for answers.
> Not to offend.

> ___________________________________________________

- Show quoted text -


Sports Car GT - Some questions for the veterans...

by daisykillb » Fri, 04 Jan 2002 15:25:06

Holy Mackerel, It Works!

You know, I previously tried what Krunch suggested, when Haqsau
suggested it on 7-13-01.
I must've made some mistake before, because it worked today.
I edited all the ****4.scn files and it was fine. After firing it up
several times and selecting random tracks, with or without rain, it
didn't fail me once. Right on.

Super! Thanks guys...

BTW, Electronic Arts/ISI don't seem to give a flying f*** about the
game. With all the posts and third-party fixes, they seem to be
strangely silent over the past two years. With the exception of one
patch, it seems like they whipped it out the door and forgot about it.
I'd love to see someone besides EA turn out a newer GT game.

Dave Henri

Sports Car GT - Some questions for the veterans...

by Dave Henri » Sat, 05 Jan 2002 00:05:25

"daisykillbot" <

  Glad these fellows were able to show you what to do.
  EA bought and released the game for ONE reason.  To get an experienced
programming team working on an existing product so that their new F1 title
would come out BEFORE the rumoured release date of Geoff Crammond's GP3.
While ISI worked on SCGT before EA purchased them, they were immeadiately
re-assigned to begin converting SCGT over to an F1 product.  It's not that
they didn't give a flying **** about it...they just never had any time to
support it.  The AOE editor was leaked by one of the team and after that,
they all had their noses buried in F1.
dave  henrie


Sports Car GT - Some questions for the veterans...

by daisykillb » Sat, 05 Jan 2002 05:38:22

>   EA bought and released the game for ONE reason.  To get an experienced
> programming team working on an existing product so that their new F1 title
> would come out BEFORE the rumoured release date of Geoff Crammond's GP3.
> While ISI worked on SCGT before EA purchased them, they were immeadiately
> re-assigned to begin converting SCGT over to an F1 product.  It's not that
> they didn't give a flying **** about it...they just never had any time to
> support it.  The AOE editor was leaked by one of the team and after that,
> they all had their noses buried in F1.
> dave  henrie

          Thanks for the inside track Dave.

I suppose that makes a lot more sense than the Wicked Witch of EA
sitting on the hill laughing at me while I try to get SCGT up to

After getting the 1024 happening I finally added the Touring Car patch
from the Pits. With that, the AOE editor, third party tracks and the
TransAm/Vintage TransAm patch, I got a bunch of new games. Righteous!


Sports Car GT - Some questions for the veterans...

by Haqsa » Sat, 05 Jan 2002 07:50:14

Aha!  So I was right to smack you then!  ;o)

Glad you got it working.  I just reinstalled it myself the other day,
just a few days before your post.  This time I decided not to install
any add-ons though, because last time I got so deep in the add-ons that
I was having serious frame rate problems and it became unplayable.  So
this time I did the 1.551 patch and the Ban Scene patch (and that just
to get rid of the CD check) and nothing else.  I play it without mirrors
and without***pit in 800x600, because even though it looks arcadey and
crude in that mode it was the way it was designed to be played and
everything else I ever did to it seemed to make the playability suffer
in one form or another.  I used the cheat codes to get all the cars and
tracks and just race GT1's, which IMO don't really benefit from the AOE
settings.  I haven't even bothered tricking them out, I just bought a
6th gear for each car and nothing else.  Each to his own.  I know I'm
missing a lot of really cool add-ons by playing it this way, but frankly
it's pretty damn fun just the way it is.


Sports Car GT - Some questions for the veterans...

by daisykillb » Mon, 07 Jan 2002 06:24:15

> Aha!  So I was right to smack you then!  ;o)

> Glad you got it working.  I just reinstalled it myself the other day,
> just a few days before your post.  This time I decided not to install
> any add-ons though,...

Might be smart to keep it in the K.I.S.S. mode.
I've been up way too late adding 4 exes, cars, animated wheels and
brake lights...
Whew! I need some sleep.

With 15 hi-poly cars and the animation, the only frame rate hog I have
is Desert Speedway. I assume it's all that rendering. I might edit the
****3.scn file and use that.

With the 1024 happening, it actually looks pretty darn good. I don't
use the***pits, because I haven't found one that I like. Something
similar to the one in N4. With RPM lights, etc.

This game rocks.

And yes, I guess I need to take my lumps and prepare for that smack...


Sports Car GT - Some questions for the veterans...

by Haqsa » Mon, 07 Jan 2002 13:56:11

Yeah, that is one of the other reasons I don't use the***pits, they
don't really offer the kind of experience you get from a real***pit
view.  I have tried the all-dash patch (now that one will keep you busy
for a while) and still didn't like it.  None of the dashes work as well
as the no-dash view, and a 2D***pit doesn't really help you position
your vehicle on the road like a 3D one does.  Plus I think it was Dave
Henrie who recently pointed out that headlights don't work in the
***pit view, but do work in the non-dash view.  It doesn't take that
long to get used to, the sides of your car are at the bottom corners of
the screen.  Never let the edge of the road touch the bottom of the
screen, and you are fine.  Arcadey yes, but functional.

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