I'm copywriting this quote... :)

Kai Fulle

I'm copywriting this quote... :)

by Kai Fulle » Thu, 25 May 2000 04:00:00

"My times are so fast in GPL because I can see things before they happen"


"I'm so fast at Monza because I can see things before they happen"

I just thought I would put that one out there before Ol' Menard steals it
from my rather witty e-mail I sent them. So If anyone wants to use those in
their sig files they'll need to give proper credit.

And if you don't get those quotes, then you're not a very good Jedi. :)


I'm copywriting this quote... :)

by No » Fri, 26 May 2000 04:00:00

thus spoke:

I think you should sell them on eBAY. Might be a few bucks in it for
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