After reading all the posts on improving the T2 (separate
gas/brake axis) i'm going to try and wiring the thing up, might even
go for the whole lot, and put the extra shifters etc on.
After having a look around the inside of the wheel unit, and
playing with the TMScope unit (in a real dos mode) i found that the
wheel pot has a max value of 1999, above this i assume the pot is no
long increasing. The problem is this occurs at just over 90 degrees
of right turn, while i can turn to the left to until the stops. This
seems like a pot problem. How do i take the wheel pot off?
The plastic clip (holding the pot) feels like it's going to brake if a
bend it anymore, is the pot glued into the wheel shaft somehow?
BTW also have a turn left problem (in all games) runs straight most of
the time, but sometimes the car drifts left when the wheel is
straight, this is probably due to a dirty pot, but linked to the fact
that at rest my wheel sits with at least a 5 degree angle to the left.
- Too much Nascar.
I not really sure why this is but guess it's the cord, which as well
as being tied in, is also GLUED!!
Anbody else - especially Nascar races - have this problem?? Anyone
fixed it?
Ste Lewis - going to fit a chrome gearshifter...
Still waiting for new springs, 1st attempt - user error
Trying to drive on 20minutes sleep, too many sims, not enough time.
Maybe I should drive faster....
icQ # 8067625