People who have yet to discover that truth - or refuse to believe it when
it hits them square in the face - become the victims of scams such as this
Unfortunately, that is a LARGE number of people.
Last week while waiting in the drive-thru line at McDonalds a girl came
up and offered to me a sample of some new tostada thing McD's is going
to start selling.
"It looks good," I said, "how much is it?".
"It's a free sample." she replied with a fake smile.
Well, the minute she said 'free sample' I knew she was lying. I
punched her in the stomach and ran her over with my car.
"What kind of scam/*** are you attempting to perpetrate here!?"
I demanded.
She began to stammer out an answer but before she could finish I hit
her again and drove off. I didn't even get the Filet o' fish sandwich
combo I was craving.
Yes, nothing is free. Just ask that *** at McD's.
Gohan Ryu
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Don't waste your life in this kind of contemplation. Contribute.
> Don't waste your life in this kind of contemplation. Contribute.
>> Don't waste your life in this kind of contemplation. Contribute.
> typical left wing response
typical right wing response
>>typical left wing response
> typical right wing response
> :)
- Bill Hicks R.I.P.
>>>typical left wing response
>> typical right wing response
>> :)
> "I'll show you politics in America right here,
> 'I believe the puppet on the right shares my beliefs.'
> 'Well, I believe the puppet on the left is more to my liking.'
> Hey, wait a minute, there's one guy holding up both puppets! 'Go back to
> bed, America, your government is in control. Here's Love Connection, watch
> this and get fat and stupid. By the way, keep drinking beer.'"
> - Bill Hicks R.I.P.
> Pat