Since my 9-year-old was off with her mother this weekend, I had virtually
nothing to do but play with Alison's Ferrari setups. Now it's Sunday night,
dirty dishes and empty Sam Adams bottles surround me, and I've just had a
GREAT weekend.
I shattered all of my Ferrari times. After just a couple, that became
almost too easy.
I set five new personal bests at Mex, Mon, Mos, Glen and Zand, quite easily
beating prior bests set with a low-rider Eagle setup.
I FINALLY broke the "six" barrier at Watkins Glen, with a 1:06.77! Yahoo!
That blew me away. YES!
Alison, you've really done it this time! Superbly comfortable to drive,
that's one thing. But FAST, too! I used to love driving the Ferrari just
because it accepted throttle so nicely. Now it accepts ALL driver input
My most common mistake in the past was this: Cautious about losing control
at the turn-in point, I turn in early, and not enough. Then I go way
outside at the apex, and have to toss the rear end and scrub off some speed.
Result is a slow exit, often with the rear end kicking loose.
Now, with your set-ups, I'm able to turn in with precision and confidence,
stay on the line, and do so under power. What a revelation. I'm digging
through turns, instead of just*** on. I'm breaking my own records, and
my replays are ELEGANT! It's like the day I finally got on a proper pair of
skis, and learned how CARVE a turn instead of sliding through it.
Well, I do go on. Just thanks a lot! It will be interesting to see if your
discoveries will translate into even faster Lotuses and Eagles. But you've
already made this sim much easier for the journeyman. Thanks!
Jeez, and we've still got GPal and force feedback coming. Pinch me!
Regards, all
Kurt Steinbock