Sjaak A.
Sjaak Alleman
Dave Richardson heeft geschreven in bericht
Hi dave,
i think should go for the ultra tnt2. I got a pIII 450 128mb with a tnt from
creative. I got the card standard with my system. I'm propably gonna buy a
tnt2 ultra soon though. When i just got my system i didn't buy gpl because i
did read somewhere in the manual (a friend had the game) that it was only
voodoo compatible. So i thought well i buy a voodoo2 next to my tnt. Then i
found this open gl driver for gpl somewhere on the internet just a few weeks
ago. I borrowed gpl from my friend and tried if it did work. Works
wonderfully fine on my system only drawback compared to voodoo cards is that
for some reason the mirror update makes your framerate suffer when using
incar vieuw. I hated this because incar vieuw is the only vieuw for
simulation, anyway there is a solution for this too, when you adjust the ini
file you can lower the refreshrate of your mirrors and voila all seems to
work great.
Goos part about open gl voor gpl is that you can drive in a higher
resolution than 800x 600.
On my system i get 38 fps when in 1084 x 768 resolution. I think when using
an tnt2 ultra that figure will even be higher. I find i very well drivable
and the extra resolution certainly pays since it's easier to look ahaid of
the road. For al the new sims out i certainly recommend a tnt simply because
of the 32 bit color dept.
Maybe for people with slower systems a voodoo is the best choice but since
you gonna buy a pii i think you should go for th tnt 2 ultra. Maybe you
should look further than only the diamond card since i did read a few
articles on tnt2 ultra cards(i want one soon enough) and read there are
better quicker with better software bundles around
Happy shopping
Andre Hanegraaf
p.s. if you decide to go for the tnt and you want the open gl driver for gpl
give me a mail then i send it to you by mail
[OpenGL ]
TossHighestMip = 0 ;
MipFiltering = 4 ;
MirrorsEvery = 3 ;
That's right i can go up to MirrosEvery= 8 yet your mirror vieuw will be a
bit like in slowmotion. But you will be quit able to know from where a car
is comming, i find the increased frame rate much more valuable then the
slowmotion mirrors a problem. Besides 1024 x 768 sure beats software mode.
Sure i wish someone (pappy are you listening?) fixes this and gives gpl the
update it deserves to welcome al the guys who just decided that they want
the best new generation cards, so open gl or d3d is supported properly.
Still i have a lot of fun driving around with the current open gl driver
Andre Hanegraaf
David B. Harrison heeft geschreven in bericht
> [OpenGL ]
>TossHighestMip = 0 ;
>MipFiltering = 4 ;
>MirrorsEvery = 3 ;
>> Will this fix the flickering mirrors problem in opengl with my TNT2 card?
>> so, what do you change in the ini file, and what ini file are we talking
>> about? Or is there still no fix for this other than running in software
>> mode.
I have all the software you mentioned. I have a Vodoo3 3000 running on a
PII 233 with 64MB RAM.
I would recommend the Voodoo3 3000. With my PII 233, In most games I can
have everything full on (graphics), in the highest resolution and get more
than 20 FPS (Imagine if I had a P3).
GPL shipped with only Rendition and 3dfx support. A patch came later that
supported OpenGL and is available at the PITS, but you would have to ask
others how good it is.
I have a problem when it come to racing sims, I buy them all as soon as I
see them (which has been close to grounds for divorce as far as my wife is
concerned), so I have almost anything you can get as far as racing sims go,
so I've seen them run with a Voodoo2 and a Voodoo3. The following I can
crank everything to the max and get completely smooth play with the P2 and
V3 3000:
Viper Racing
GP500 Demo (which by the way is the best thing I've ever seen as far as
graphics go)
Sports Car GT
NFS III Hot Pursuit (I know it's not a sim but it came with my V3)
GPL (except of course when the damn slow motion bug kicks in)
With N3, I have to turn off some of the eye candy or the FPS drops below 20.
With a P3 that should give you close to the best of all current ***
worlds and you will have saved some money toward that next gen video card
you're going to want in a couple of months.
BTW, if you're interested in the MX300, you might want to consider one of
the new Vortex cards from Aureal here'd check them
out before buying the MX300 anyway. Take a look at the date of the latest
MX300 drivers here
see what I mean. (I have an MX300 and three Diamond video cards--a Viper550
and SLI Monster 2's--in my machine right now and can tell you Diamond's
driver support is crap. I'm using reference drivers for all these Diamond
Jerry Morelock
> With a P3 that should give you close to the best of all current ***
> worlds and you will have saved some money toward that next gen video card
> you're going to want in a couple of months.
> BTW, if you're interested in the MX300, you might want to consider one of
> the new Vortex cards from Aureal here'd check
> out before buying the MX300 anyway. Take a look at the date of the latest
> MX300 drivers here
> see what I mean. (I have an MX300 and three Diamond video cards--a
> and SLI Monster 2's--in my machine right now and can tell you Diamond's
> driver support is crap. I'm using reference drivers for all these Diamond
> cards.)
> Jerry Morelock
> > Hi all.
> > I'm about to buy a new system, and have been racing the Papy racing
> > products since day 1.
> > My question is it'll be P3 system and I'm thinking from all I've
> > reviewed I really like the MX300 sound card from Diamond. The big
> > question is what video card should I be looking at getting? I can't
> > decide between the Viper Ultra 770 32 mb or a Voodoo 3000?
> <snip>