> Does anybody here think IndyCar Racing 1 is better than 2?
Yes, IndyCar II uses the same (to my knowledge) graphics engine as
NASCAR 1. The car physics, appearance, and other nit-picks are changed.
Yes!!! I would love a circa 1992/1993/1994 carset for it, but would you
do me a favor, in exchange for creating good setups for the tracks
below...would you email me the stupid f_cking paintkit?! I bought ICR1
with the 'Racing's Greatest Thrills' pack, and no paintkit was found.
I'd re-he-heally appreciate it.
I'll have to work more on Portland, and maybe Indy, but my Nazareth (one
of my faves) setup is flawless. I'll email them to you soon.
-John :|: