Latency is extremely high with Satellite (instead of just getting data
up and down the same pipe, data is upped via modem to satellite
provider, satellite provider gets the returned data, sends it up to
satellite, and then it's shot back down to you.. = very high ping in
internet games)
If you're looking for just the ability to download very fast get
satellite, (but be warned, every satellite i've seen charges you for
how much you download and the hours of use! ack! i hate when they do
that!) If you want to help your mulitplayer *** a bit, get ISDN.
Otherwise just keep the dialup.
Just a suspicion, though.
------- The best way to accelerate a Mac is 9.81 m/s2 --------
> >Anyone in the UK conected to the internet using a satellite connection ?
> >yes what sort of speeds are you getting and is it worth upgrading to from
> >56. I was thinking of going the isdn route satellite looks interesting.
> >Sprry if this is a off topic.
> Satellite is good only for downstream only (all the upstream
> communication is still handled via dialup 56k)
> Latency is extremely high with Satellite (instead of just getting data
> up and down the same pipe, data is upped via modem to satellite
> provider, satellite provider gets the returned data, sends it up to
> satellite, and then it's shot back down to you.. = very high ping in
> internet games)
> If you're looking for just the ability to download very fast get
> satellite, (but be warned, every satellite i've seen charges you for
> how much you download and the hours of use! ack! i hate when they do
> that!) If you want to help your mulitplayer *** a bit, get ISDN.
> Otherwise just keep the dialup.
It may give u real fast downloads, but for *** it will suck. Latency may
well be in the 1 second range, the signal has to travel so far, and laws of
physics can't change that.
> > On Fri, 14 Jul 2000 21:08:09 +0100, "MJS"
> > >Anyone in the UK conected to the internet using a satellite connection ?
> If
> > >yes what sort of speeds are you getting and is it worth upgrading to from
> > >56. I was thinking of going the isdn route satellite looks interesting.
> > >Sprry if this is a off topic.
> > Satellite is good only for downstream only (all the upstream
> > communication is still handled via dialup 56k)
> > Latency is extremely high with Satellite (instead of just getting data
> > up and down the same pipe, data is upped via modem to satellite
> > provider, satellite provider gets the returned data, sends it up to
> > satellite, and then it's shot back down to you.. = very high ping in
> > internet games)
> > If you're looking for just the ability to download very fast get
> > satellite, (but be warned, every satellite i've seen charges you for
> > how much you download and the hours of use! ack! i hate when they do
> > that!) If you want to help your mulitplayer *** a bit, get ISDN.
> > Otherwise just keep the dialup.
>It may give u real fast downloads, but for *** it will suck. Latency may
>well be in the 1 second range, the signal has to travel so far, and laws of
>physics can't change that.
> >Satellite IS high latency, = bad for *** whether its 2 way or not.
> >It may give u real fast downloads, but for *** it will suck. Latency
> >well be in the 1 second range, the signal has to travel so far, and laws
> >physics can't change that.
> Hmmm... Maybe David Kaemmer should have a look at those physics <G>
> JoH