off most of the graphics in GP2 to stop it from framing, when I have got the
latest & greatest computer?
Their reply was:
We have to do this to give our product shelf life. In 2 years time we want
it to work well on the machines that are around at the time.
The trouble was, after 2 years most people had abandoned it for sims that
were effectively using 3D cards etc.
By all accounts, GP4 is going to suffer a similar kind of fate.
Most people are saying it appears that GP4 is not using the 3D card
effectively, if at all.
I feel that Crammond's biggest problem, is his unwillingness to look at the
Papy Sims and pull them to bits, (even if that isn't quite legal) ,with the
object of finding out how they do what they do so brilliantly. How do they
get their Sims to perform so well, using minimal resources? ......How do
they get their Sims to perform so well using computers that are in general
use at the time of the game's release ? ( Not machines that won't even be
produced for 2 years or so )
For instance....How can it be that I can race 23 or so other cars half way
across the earth using a 56K Modem, with a ping of about 500, with the sim
still extremely drivable? Crammonds Sims have always suffered badly whilst
in Modem / Multiplayer mode. It seems that he is missing something vital.
I clearly remember racing ICR2 on a 486 in multiplayer using a 14400 modem.
The Sim performed as if connected on a LAN.
Warping etc. was barely even noticeable.
The time has come.....we really need a new Open wheeler Papy Sim.