installed it first without asking this question, and have found none of my
sims work. Any help would be appreciated.
Anyone know or done it?
Scooter (formerly SpeedRacer)
I just installed Win2K myself and I have managed to get all my peripherals
working. I like the OS a lot. I am keeping a dual boot to Win98SE for
games, but I would like to be able to play many of them in WIn2K. I tried
installing Rally Champ, and it looked fine, but wouldn't recognize my MSFF.
Win2K has built in support for the wheel, but it has no profiler or anything
like that and the MS website even says the wheel is unsupported. Anyone
have any idea on support for the MSFF in Win2K?
> >like that and the MS website even says the wheel is unsupported. Anyone
> >have any idea on support for the MSFF in Win2K?
> Get the version 4 profiler software from MS.