I just wanted to keep those guys at papy awake ;-)
But "between the lines" I really am curious on how the whole things is
Not as much work as with setting gpl up from the ground, isn't it ?
What's to be done ??
* Revision on the gfx engine ? (less high fpu/cpu demand)
* Extra and reevision model-features, like ground force (most work ?)
* New tracks (could be some work)
* Revision gpl tracks to '76 reality
* New car models (should be that much work -Paul Hoad ? :-)
* Licenses (of the '76 teams and drivers like Lauda and Regga)
* Scripted Pitstops ?
* A F***ING P/34 !!!! :-)
* a hint:....what's wet and falls from the sky ? RAIN :-))
Anyone with a opinion that makes more sense ?
Tim Wheatley
"Yellow menacing helmet in the mirror"
IGPS Driver - Ferrari Challenge Driver - NTT Participant