>>This technology is Crap, please go and tell them how you feel.
>>And spread the word!!
>Here's a sample email I sent them that you might want to use
>(suubstituting Disney or whomever for Fox where appropriate):
>I'm writing to tell you I'm extremely disappointed that Fox is
>supporting only the DIVX format for digital movies. I will never
>purchase a DIVX player or any DIVX movies under any circumstances, as
>I feel the whole system is a blatant rip off and money grab. As long
>os Fox goes with DIVX, there will be no Fox movies purchased in my
Same here - which sucks cuz I really want Star Wars Trilogy Special Edition,
Hunt for Red October, and Top Gun, (last two are Paramount, but so far
they're saying the same as Fox re:DVD/DIVX) in widescreen, Dolby Digital
sound and all the other goodness of DVD.
We'll get it - but we'll have to wait for DIVX to die apparently. Or just a
while after the DIVX releases, supposedly the DIVX studios may release stuff
later for the "collector" market which sure as hell won't touch DIVX with a
10 foot pole. These will be the widescreen versions with the extra stuff
(languages, trailers, interviews, etc.) - which won't be on the DIVX, those
will only be pan-n-scan no extras.
I'd love to meet the idiot who thought this one up - might have made some
small amount of sense if they subsidized the cost of the players through the
rentals and made 'em like $100-200 - but you have to buy the thing for MORE
than a standard DVD player - duh. Not going to get it just to see
"Titanic", Star Wars SE, etc, when it's gonna cost me to watch the things
every time I play 'em, AND have to spend more up front, and I won't get the
widescreen version or the extras I've come to love on a DVD.
Perfect example, I love Apollo 13, have the DVD - it has a neat making-of
piece, and running commentaries from Jim/Marilyn Lovell and another from Ron
Howard, and is widescreen. I'll pop it in every so often and watch just the
liftoff, or the splashdown, or some other scene, or watch the whole thing.
I'd have NONE of the extras, and pay an arm and a leg to watch this the way
I like with DIVX.
No thanks - what's next, pay-per-play software?? Dial in and pay every time
you fire up GPL? (to make this have some RAS relevance hehe)