art, tracks, and modifications available. I've gotten the new car art
them. Also grabbed Limerock (i'm in CT) and installed it (excellent
job). I also (regrettably) installed the "The Pits GPL Superpatch"
which, after installing, caused an immediate CTD when entering the
track. Not sure if it was caused by the patch loading after the new
cars or what, but I had to do a new install to get back.
My question is, is there a site that walks you through what you need
to do to get GPL up to snuff, i.e.
1. Install GPL
2. Patch to 1.2
3. Install D3D Patch
4. Install Fast CPU patch ( I have PIV 3.2gz)
5. Install GPLAIM 2
6. Tracks ?
7. Cars ?
8. Sounds?
9. Superpatch ?
10. VROC ?
Right now this info is spread over MANY sites, and 1/2 the links on
Thanks for any help.
G Patricks