1st off I would like to say that your online presence is a refreshing
change and
is good to see, You guys are putting up with a lot af Flame (You deserve
it) and
is appreciated. Other companies should take note.
On the other hand I expect it, when I shell out 70.00 bucks Canadian
for a unfinished and falsely advertised "SIM" like CPR "Cart Patched
I think I deserve Complete customer support. No?
This game has "SIM" written all over it, well it is not. Anyone who says
otherwise is
Really stupid. In its current state, it is an Arcade game.
If a few patches can Fix the undeniable AI, Bugs a plenty, Pitlane, FPS,
etc, etc, I will be in awe at TRI's programming Guru's. They got lots to
fix cause the AI is
the worst in this game. It is not even there I would say. All 12 of them.
Software companies have a great position where once you open the box and
the seal, you cannot take it back. I hope this will change some day.
I know Micro$oft gives a 30 day money back thing and that is good.
On to the show...
1. You claim with the Patch I will get 25-50% increase in Performance?
So currently I Get about 27FPS on average. This means if I get 25% min
like you say I should be getting about 37-38 FPS. I will eat my shorts
if I
Get that.
2. How about that yellow flag, How can you miss that in the first place.
Cart Races have Yellow flags. Come on, a CART Sim without yellow
Like Football without Touchdowns. there is no excuse for this I can
3. What about the turbo setting thing, Any setting or setup above 5 and it
4. What about the ability to race with a Full Field of cars?
12 Cars in an Indy Race?!?! Is this a Framerate problem or a AI
problem or
Both? Go-Cart races have 12 Drivers, Not Cart Races.
5. Will you Guru's be able to fix the problem with not being able to see
down the track
more, as it is on 15 it sucks, Anything higher and the slideshow
Look at ICR2 3D or any game, We can see down the track, this is a good
6. Perhaps if you cannot get Glide working any faster then *Cough* D3D,
TRI should call on someone who can. Id software, Parallex, Activision
and almost
Every other game develpoer in the Free "Non Micro$soft" world.
Im not a programmer nor pretend to be, but the chances of D3D being on
"in any case" with any other API are quite remote. Any developer would
in all sanity
tell us that. Alex St Johns built the thing and well....Case closed.
You have eyes but do not see...Come on, Give it up with D3D.
Your company will anyhow, I'll bet you on it : )
Thanks for putting up with me "GO-CART Guys"
I know Im a pain in the ass > ; )
Just tryin to keep you on your toes, nothing personal ever meant.
Jason L'Hirondelle
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