I have the NASCAR Sprint and love it. Yes the paddles are on the
steering axis so gear changes in the corners are a snap. The pedals
are way to cheap and cheesy however. I linked my old T2 pedals to the
Sprint. Perfect combo if ask me. And you cant beat the $59 price
Wheels down, pointy end forward!!
Steve (remove NO-SPAM to e-mail)
The Sprint has "flippers" on the back that are used for brake and
acceleration. There are buttons on the front that can be used for gear
shifting. Though the Sprint comes with pedals, they are not really
suitable. I would suggest spending the extra $20 and upgrade to the
NASCAR Super Sport. This has flippers on the back that can be used for
gear shifting, has excellent steering and pedal response.
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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