Large binary posts do not belong in unmoderated discussion groups.
I run a program that searchs for, and issues advisory cancels for,
large binaries in the akr, biz, comp, misc, news, rec, and sci
I have issued 39 cancels for large binary files (average size 133,105
characters - total size 5,191,090 characters) posted to 10 different
unmoderated discussion groups in the comp, misc, and rec hierarchies
(with cross-posts into alt groups) as follows:
4 rec.pets.dogs.misc
3 rec.aviation.products
1 rec.collecting.coins
1 rec.animals.wildlife
1 comp.home.automation
1 alt.test
The cancels in non-targeted groups are a consequence of the way
cross-posts work. A cross-posted article has only one Message-ID.
When it is canceled from one group it is canceled from all groups.
This pointer is being posted to each affected group listed above,
with the exception of test groups. Follow-ups are directed to
If you want to see exactly which file was deleted from a particular
group, read the full report in The
full report can also be found in alt.nocem.misc and alt.retromod.
Look for AR516 in the subject, or, if your reader supports it, use
The criteria used to search for this batch of large binaries were:
NEWSGROUPS: Unmoderated akr, biz, comp, misc, news, rec, or sci
(except for comp.binaries.apple2, comp.bugs.2bsd,
BINARY: base64, binhex, uuencode, and xbtoa encoded files, etc.
SIZE: > 100,000 characters [(size * (# of parts - .5)), if multi-part]
If you must post a binary to Usenet, please post it *only* to an
appropriate binaries newsgroup such as alt.binaries.misc, and do *not*
crosspost it to non-binaries groups. Then, if you like, post something
in the appropriate discussion group telling people where to find the
binary in the binaries group (a pointer to the binary). This will
permit news administrators and users to decide for themselves whether
to receive the binary files.
Please direct public feedback to and private
Best wishes,
It's over, and can't be helped, and that's one consolation, as they
always say in Turkey, when they cut the wrong man's head off''
-- Charles***ens