GPL setups

Buzz O'De

GPL setups

by Buzz O'De » Fri, 19 Nov 1999 04:00:00

I've got some spare GPL time on my hands and am checking out the other
cars (I drive the Lotus). I would like to examine various setups for
each car but don't know where to look for them. Anybody got an address I

can go to for setups for all cars?

Andrew Cowel

GPL setups

by Andrew Cowel » Tue, 23 Nov 1999 04:00:00 look for chassis at top of page

>I've got some spare GPL time on my hands and am checking out the other
>cars (I drive the Lotus). I would like to examine various setups for
>each car but don't know where to look for them. Anybody got an address I

>can go to for setups for all cars?
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