: .......
: Watching the world record replays
: >: of the esses after the pit straight, I'm pretty sure that the car is going
: >: thru in a way thats impossible to duplicate using my gear and setup.
: >Yes, that's my view of things as well. I'm using a CH pro depal and CH
: >yoke set up. Like you I know I've got some improvments to make, but I
: >really cannot see me emulating these record laps. Someone told me that
: >these people generally use the keyboard with steering help. I don't know
: >how true that is. I get the same problem with ICR1, but there I'm much closer
: >to the record times (about 3 secs adrift on average). But again, it seems
: >that very few of the record holders use a wheel. Personally, and I don't
: >mean to be derogatory, in the interests of realism I think if you can't
: >do it with the steering wheel, with traction and steering help turned off,
: >then it ain't what I would call kosher. But I could be just jealous ;-).
: >Alan
: >--
: It's OK to be jealous :)
: But I think it's a little over the top to say that those times aren't "kosher".
: Just how many people do you think use a steering-wheel?? It's still a pretty
: unusual control device; only the *real* freaks (not badly meant) have one. At
: the time the game was released, there probably didn't even exist such devices!
: From that point of view, keyboard-control(which the record holder uses indeed as
: far as I know) is even more kosher than a steering-wheel.
: Greets,
: Jo
Point taken, though my original comments were meant to be light hearted. What
is interesting is that my best lap times in F1GP are pretty close the REAL
lap times. It would appear that the pedal/wheel control devices really
does enhance the realism of the simulator (same with ICR1). I really do admire
the dedication and tenacity of these record holders - it must have taken
hours upon hours to perfect the setup and get the right line. But I don't
think that you can emulate these times with a wheel/pedal setup - the simulation
is harder (but more fun) with this setup.
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Nice sig.
: ---------------------------------------------------
The views/opinions expressed here are my own and do not
in any way reflect the views/opinions of my employer.