For the last week or so I have had an itch. An itch only cured by getting
the Brumm diecast metal 1:43 model of the Ferrari 312 from 1967! I have been
looking around the net, finding out that it has product number R255 and that
it is a version with Chris Amon as a driver. So today I sat a werk
(accounting) dreaming a bit of that model car. At the strike of 16:14:34 I
left the building and headed for the premier ( I thought) model car dealer
in Copenhagen. On my way in the slight rain on my bicycle it came to me HE`S
CLOSED ON TUESDAYS!!!!!!!!!!!! !"#"##%#&"#!!/%(& - I made an elegant 180
on my bicycle and started racing in the other direction - headed for a store
I had only looked at from outside. I got there - and couldnt find the
entrance door!!! What is going on here - I thought. There is this shop
dealing used stereos and TV next door, so I vent inside to ask how to get to
the shop next door - when I realised it was the same shop. OK that a first
for me - being in a "department store" whis has two departments model racing
cars and used TVs. There was a customer in the shop of TVs talking the the
owner about used TVs - so I went to the car department and had a look on my
own. Loads of great stuff - new racing cars in 1:43 and 1:18, old racing
cars in 1:43 ans all sorts of weird cars - all in the better 1/4 of the
quality scale. I found the pile of Brumm 1:43s and started looking for my
precious Ferrari - and it wasnt there. Ferrari 312 F1 of 1961? - Yes, of
1965? - yes, of 1969? - yes and so on - everything but my 1967 GPL model.
The customer in the TV department was leavin now and the owner came to me
asking what I was looking for - I told him and he said that he was out of it
for the moment but would get it in a fortnight or so. He asked if there was
anything else I was interested in and I relied that any F1 of 1967 would be
great. Then he shoved me a Lotus 49 and a Brabham BT24 both from 1967 with
Jim Clarc and Jack Brabham respectively done beautifully by a British
company called Quartzo. He asked me why I was so interested in the 1967
season and nothing else - he guessed that as I put back all the other
Ferraris and told him that the first Lotus he presented to me was the 1968
version - and I told him about GPL and this community of freaks still
*** on to a two year old game. He was quite impressed - he had a special
affection for 1967 because it was the year he discovered F1 and became
hooked. We had a great talk, lasting for about 20 minutes. He told me that
it was possible to get a fulle field of 1967 F1s but it was a bit costly -
the only other mass prodused is the Ferrari by Brumm and the Cooper by
Corgi - the rest can be hand built by letting this guy order the kit from
some obscure tiny producer of this and sending the kit to a guy in Sweden
who is known in Europe for assembling pieces of art - or at least the model
cars the guy assembles is in dedicated circles know as art - and then
getting it about 2-5 months after ordering it. Then I paid the 2 x 195
kroners (2 x 26 $ or 2 x 19) and left - wearing my bag of goodies and a
huge smile.
And now I sit and enjoy the look of them side by side - mmmmmmm
It was indeed a fine day fo some shopping - allthough I didnt get my
Ferrari. I will get that later - and a talk about 1967.
Thomas S?rensen
Wilkensvej 45, 2. th
2000 Frederiksberg
By the way - I work for Deloitte & Touche and none of the above mentioned