the GPL track set. Frankly I had expected no more than Papys' Monza with an
oval tacked on but this is much, much better than my expectation. The subtle
recontouring of several of the road course corners makes for a track that is
a fresh challenge despite knowing which way the corners go. Removal of
various hedges,rails and walls has opened up the sightlines of the track
nicely. The oval portion is wonderful too with several big bumps modelled
in the banking along with the gradual blending of the banking slope into the
road course. I even tried to short circuit the lap by cutting across the
common straight from one portion of the oval to the next portion. Discovered
to my delight that you can't get away with that as I smashed into the green
wall :)
Wow , last week LeMans and now this! Along with all the other great tracks
my GPL cup runneth over! :) If someone could figure out how to model
Sports/GT cars of the '50/'60/'70's in GPL I'd be in vintage racers heaven.
How about it Papyrus; make a Sports/GT add on pack( cars only with maybe an
N4 physics level executable file to handle the downforce of the full body
sports racers) and charge $25.00 for it. Got my money right here on the
table for it.