Regarding track times at Watkins Glen....
I went to do my regular hot lapping today in the trusty Lotus, only to
find that my Glen setup had been reset to its default somehow(I had a
bad system crash earlier in the day), however after much gnashing of
teeth followed by random expletives, I found that no other track setup
was affected(of the couple I checked), so I thought "Oh well, just start
from scratch and see what I can do." This is not the weird part.
Now, I had been languishing in the mid-to-low 1:07(1:07.14 best) range
throughout the past couple weeks, and no matter what I did to my
previously great setup(or so I thought), I just could not get under
1:07! With any car!
So, I go into the setup screen and make only the following changes to
the default setup:
Steering ratio to 1:20 because I can drive best that way.
Gas to 5 gallons
Ride height down three clicks on both ends(1.50/1.75 I believe)
Bumps down to 1.00 all the way around
Rear tires down one psi
So I go to the track to start testing and everything suddenly feels a
little better than before. I go around the first few turns and it was
really feeling good. I finish the lap, thinking it was pretty good, and
I keep going around for the second lap. Once I get around and back to
the start the pit board flashed I did a 1:10.42 right out of the pits! I
used to be at 1:12 or so out of the pits.
I keep going, since everything is working so incredibly well. Next lap
around it says I did a1:06.86! I almost pulled over right there and
rejoiced! Next lap was a 1:07.25 with several errors, and the next lap
was a 1:06.86! I crashed out on the next one, but I cut and saved the
replay of these four laps, as they're the best I've ever done.
I'm not only doing this with a Gravis Xterminator gamepad, but in my
first three full laps ever with an almost default setup I kill my
previous record. Albiet the car is pretty low. I should be in the mid
1:05s in no time I would think.
The m***to anyone out there hoping that someone else's setup is the
only way you'll ever go fast: Try the default again, with a few minor
changes it can be very fast as well.
If anyone wants the 479Kb zipped replay let me know.