Overdrive Chips

Scott Rixo

Overdrive Chips

by Scott Rixo » Sun, 06 Sep 1998 04:00:00

I have a Voodoo 2 card, but only a P133. It is beginning to feel the strain.
I want to get a new machine next year, but for now I was looking for a
little extra power. Has anyone tried an overdrive chip?? Can anyone
recommend something??


(Green Flag Racing)

Scott Rixo

Overdrive Chips

by Scott Rixo » Sun, 06 Sep 1998 04:00:00

I have a Voodoo 2 card, but only a P133. It is beginning to feel the strain.
I want to get a new machine next year, but for now I was looking for a
little extra power. Has anyone tried an overdrive chip?? Can anyone
recommend something??


(Green Flag Racing)

Greg Cisk

Overdrive Chips

by Greg Cisk » Sun, 06 Sep 1998 04:00:00

I have been using an Intel P5-200MMX upgrade chip. This
is a real MMX with a voltage regulator so it will pop right into
your old 133 slot. Just make sure your Mother board can be
set to 3X for the CPU clock multiplication and you are all
set. I have a Voodoo1 and have no reason to upgrade
yet :-)

Header address intentionally scrambled to ward off the spamming hordes.

>I have a Voodoo 2 card, but only a P133. It is beginning to feel the
>I want to get a new machine next year, but for now I was looking for a
>little extra power. Has anyone tried an overdrive chip?? Can anyone
>recommend something??


>(Green Flag Racing)


Overdrive Chips

by Stev » Sun, 06 Sep 1998 04:00:00

I have a P133mhz that I just upgraded to 200MMX but I didn't use an
Overdrive because my motherboard's max clock speed was 2X and not 3X,
plus I had a socket 5 not 7. Depending on which socket you have (5 or 7)
determines how fast a cpu you can get. Socket 5 is a max of 200mhz and
socket 7 is 233mhz, I think, maybe a bit more. I got this great adapter
at Concept Manufacturing  It's called an MMX
Upgrade for only $45 What it does is it allows you to use an MMX chip,
increases your clock speed and alters the voltage to the correct setting
for MMX. Check pricewatch for the prices on a
MMX chip. I bought a 200MMMX intel chip for $115, so for $ 160 all
together I upgraded to 200MMX, not a difference from getting an
Overdrive but like I said before, my motherboard wouldn't have been able
to handle the Overdrive. Installation was very simple, you just sandwich
the MMX upgrade between your socket and the cpu and that's it. There are
pictures and instuctions at Concept's website. One thing that is very,
very  important for easy installation, if you decide buy your cpu, make
sure it's in the plastic case not the ceramic.  I got mine from
Accubyte in CA. Also, make sure your bus speed is set at 66Mhz.
good luck

John Bod

Overdrive Chips

by John Bod » Sun, 06 Sep 1998 04:00:00

I'd highly recommend looking at a new motherboard and CPU -- I
purchased an AMD K6-233 with a motherboard AND 32 Mb of RAM from a
company named Wintergreen Systems for $170.  It was an easy drop-in
installation into my existing case, AND I was able to overclock the
CPU to 266 MHz.  You can check out Wintergreen's prices at their Web

There are other suppliers, but I've had good luck with Wintergreen.

Good luck!

-- JB

>I have a Voodoo 2 card, but only a P133. It is beginning to feel the strain.
>I want to get a new machine next year, but for now I was looking for a
>little extra power. Has anyone tried an overdrive chip?? Can anyone
>recommend something??
>(Green Flag Racing)

Scott Rixo

Overdrive Chips

by Scott Rixo » Sun, 06 Sep 1998 04:00:00

I have a Voodoo 2 card, but only a P133. It is beginning to feel the strain.
I want to get a new machine next year, but for now I was looking for a
little extra power. Has anyone tried an overdrive chip?? Can anyone
recommend something??


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