Hello all, we have 2 spots open in INTER-LONG category with 5 races to
(Nurburgring, Mosport, Monzam, Glen and Mexico) the races are held on
Sunday(s) at 16H30 GMT (12H30 Eastern Can/US, 9H30 Pacific Can/US)
Also have 2 spots left in INTER-SHORT GROUP A with 4 races to go
(Mosport, Monza, Glen, Mexico) the races are held on Sunday(s) at
14H30 GMT (10H30 EASTERN, 7H30 Pacific)
And 2 spots left in INTER-SHORT GROUP B with 4 races to go
(Mosport, Monza, Glen, Mexico) the race are held on Saturday(s)
at 13H30 GMT (9H30 EASTERN)
The class are F1 cars, and i'm looking forward to have you sign
up in the Ferrari Challenge online league. All the races schedule can be
viewed in the SRMFC Yahoo Club Calendar
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