move and no desk/table to drive from!), I've decided to cheer myself with an
upgrade, specifically for GPL. I'm going from a Celeron 433 with a Voodoo 3
2000, 128Mb RAM, Soundblaster live! value and a *** 10Gb Fujitsu HD to:
Athlon 1.2 266FSB
IBM Deskstar 60GXP 41.2GB
AOpen CD-RW 32r 12w 10rw
A decent but not pricey case with decent cooling and a 350W PSU
Or at least, that's what I plan.
Now then, what graphics card? Yeah I know this is always being asked here,
there are lots of reviews elsewhere on the 'net, but how many specific to
GPL/my chosen system?
Given that almost all of my old PC will be replaced (all I'll keep is
monitor, soundcard, network card and keyboard/mouse), I'm confident I'll be
able to sell what's left for something and therefore afford something
decent. The obvious choice, I feel, is to go for it and get myself a
Geforce 3 ( currently have a Gladiac 920 for 303), but my
question is; do I reallly need one?
I obviously don't want a 'bottleneck' so other choices are a GTS2 or Ultra?
How do Radeons fare with GPL? I'm clutching at straws here. Basically, I
want the luxury of having fancy***pits and 3D wheels without having to
compromise fps too much.
Is the Geforce3 the only way to go? Or are they still overpriced?