Here's a couple of items I wouldn't mind seeing put into N3.
1. Cruise control for yellow flag laps. I know, it's a little nitpicky
but, it would keep me from looking like a complete idiot when I bump Elliot's
ass five or six times during a lap and then falling back a hundred feet.
Give me cruise control so I can down a couple of swigs of Diet Coke with my
free hand before all hell breaks loose at the green flag.
2. If Jack Nicklaus can include a Course Designer then Sierra can include
a Track Builder. I realize you can only build so many ovals before they all
look alike but, I wanna build a ten mile oval with forty degree banking in the
turns with room to go four wide. Make Talladega look like a go-kart track.
Those are my wishes. And seeing as how this game is slated for sometime
around Christmas I think Santa Clause should give it to us.