>This is so frustrating! I worked for a good three hours on getting a
>really good set-up for Rockingham and preparaing for qualification
>(opponents at 100%). The set-up worked out I great and I qualified 22nd,
>only to last just 50 laps and finish DEAD LAST! I am so tired of
>computer-controlled racers taking me out when I'm only trying to hold my
>line. I simply cannot even come close to finishing a race, even at 50%
>length, because of wrecks. Other than turning off car damage, how can I
>avoid this crap?
>I qualified 13th at Atlanta and have a great set-up for that track (again,
>at 100% opponent strength). Of course, I could only last 90 laps there
>before my car was too damaged and I was too many laps down to make
>finishing worth while. Can anyone help?
>Kirn Cromur
Keep in mind that if you aren't far enough beside them going into the
corners they will act as if you aren't there at all. You have to be at
least 1/3 to 1/2 beside them or they will come down/up on you dependent on
whether you are entering or exiting a turn. They will also back off if
they aren't that far inside/outside of you "Most" of the time. Notice
quotes :-).
Good Luck
| All the worlds a stage, | ("'-''-/").___..--''"'-._ |
| and there's a comedy playing. | '6_ 6 ) '_. ( ).'-.__.') |
| May as well enjoy the show. | (_Y_.) ._ ) '._ '. ''-..-' |
| | _..'--'_..-_/ /--'_.' ,' |
| Go Dale Earnhardt #3 | Go Rusty Wallace #2 |
| Split_S on IRC Split_S on Hawaii sp-s on Warbirds |