Replay needed

Michael Barlo

Replay needed

by Michael Barlo » Tue, 22 Feb 2000 04:00:00

        I'm looking for an F1 replay at the converted Glen.  I tried watching
the AI but they make some very strange driving maneuvers and are no
where near what someone with F1 experience at this track can do.  I need
at least one lap, but the more the better and the more Human drivers,
the better.

        I built a set of TV1&2 camera's and set them up for the F3's.  I'd like
to see what kind of a difference there is between the F3's and F1's in
relation to camera placements and sequences.  And since I don't want to
take the time to learn F1 all over again...  Anyone have a replay, or
would like to make a lap or two?
Mike Barlow
Current GPVL points Champion

Mark Seer

Replay needed

by Mark Seer » Wed, 23 Feb 2000 04:00:00

Mike. Ya gotta kill that sig file buddy <G>


Current GPVL League director <G>

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