>Personally, I think you are giving F1GP more credit than it
>deserves in terms of its physics model - I believe it is much
>more highly simplified than any of Papyrus's efforts which is
>a real shame. Hopefully, this will be sorted for F1GPII - wouldn't
>it be great to be able to lock wheels and slide around corners??
Check it out without steering help on (you'll need a good joystick or
even a wheel); the physics model is remarkably good for a game with
such humble requirements. (Look at the way the nose raises and drops
as you accellerate and brake. Pity it doesn't roll in corners too.) My
main complaint is that its modelling of curbs is too simplistic - often
you hit one with two wheels and it acts like you drove up a ramp
Evil-Keneevil (sp?) style. Tyre temperatures and wear don't seem
properly modelled either.
Still, IMHO it's a reasonbly competetent simulation with the edge on
IndyCar in terms of playability. Can't wait for version 2 though!
-- Gizmo van der HOF
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