The point is....
Until Cart and the various software houses get their heads pulled outta
backsides....we will continue to see efforst like the CartHeat patch, and
the F1CS2k patch. And the GP2 paintjobs, and the gp3 updates.
Wouldn't it be GREAT if he didn't HAVE to mess around with Heat?
One question tho...If you were to create a fake CART Sim...which product
would you base it on? The obvious answer is GPL, but we are going on for
over two years now with No real body enhancements. SCGT, F1CS2k, Heat, all
have at least some ability to be transformed. The Physics model in Heat is
very good, if they EVER get the various racing problems fixed, it would be a
very stout base for a CART sim patch. (btw..don't you think the CARTHeat
car looks too wide and too short?) (I'm sure if they can figure it out, the
car physics will be altered as well.) {thats where SCGT shines}
dave henrie
> Thop....
> "Think" is something you should do before making "post" like that for
> goodness sakes, man!
> Do you not realize "making a Winston Cup Stock car" that handles like an
> IndyCar to be equally stupid?
> Could it occur to you that one must change the car 3D body...AND, the car
> physics....and that would be a two-step process that our young friend may
> not know how to change the car physics yet? Or, even if he does, he
> to create the "car body" first?
> You ask "what is the point.........?" Can you answer your own question
> Tom
> > What is the point in all of this modifying the "stockcar" body to a CART
> > body? If the car is still going to handle like a WC car, then what's the
> > point. I want a CART car to handle like a CART car. I love NH, but a
> > car handling like a WC car is stupid.....
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