>I am 99.99% sure the answers to your questions are:
>1) No.. GPL will support "Software-only" mode - but don't count on playing a
>smooth full race with 19 AI cars and expect perfect frames.. it's not going
>to happen.
Maybe I wasn't expressing myself clearly, again, but what I'd like to
know is if GPL will support other 3D chipsets (i740, Riva, Ticket to
Ride, G200, Savage, etc.) via Microsoft's Direct3D API. I think it
would be pretty stupid (saleswise) if it didn't, but I heard some
comments to that effect in the past.
That would be great. I usually play multiplayer games against my
brothers on my private games LAN, phone rates being prohibitively high
here. Having two or three human players *and* a (small) field of AI
cars would be great. (Especially since I have much more seat time in
GPL than my fast brother, so I would have a chance of winning for a
change. :)
>>I couldn't find authoritative answers to the following questions
>>concerning GPL. I hope that someone who knows can answer them.
>>Q1: Is it true that GPL will have native Rendition and Glide support,
>>but no generic D3D mode for other 3D chips?
>>Q2: Will it be possible to have a multiplayer race with two human
>>drivers *and* AI cars (comparable to ICR2's modem play)?
Wolfgang Preiss \ E-mail copies of replies to this posting are welcome.