Well, played it for about 10 mins.
I only have one word for it....AWESOME.
Okay more words:
1. You can get it at http://www.racesimcentral.net/
2. It is in svga only.
3. Supposedly dos only too...I haven't tried it in win95 yet.
4. You can race at two tracks Atlanta and Watkins Glen.
5. You race against 7 other cars(i think). Car #'s 2,3,7,17,18,22,71
6. The graphics are just awesome. Some options are inop, like the mirror.
The clouds in the sky look good. The stands finally look like they are
next to the track instead of part of it. As you go through the turns the
graphics outside of the track move in and out of view. Cars have no
drivers and look kinda extreme 3D. But much better graphics.
7. Sound: Awesome. The spotter tells you everything, car high-low, clear
high-low, pace car off the track, green go go go, crash in turn ???, race
back to the flag, etc......
8. You can't set up the car, but it looks like it will be easier.
9. Univbe will be supported. Yes!!!!
10. Options, Options, Options,
11. I have posted the readme file in alt.binaries.simulators.autos for
those of you who can't dl the file yet.
12. Any questions will be answered to anyone who has them. Email or post
Nascar..Weather..OnNetCameras..Oddities..and more..
Stop on by, what can it hurt?