
Speedy Fas


by Speedy Fas » Tue, 23 May 2000 04:00:00

I used to overclock my P150.  I haven't been into it much lately.
Last July I purchased a Celeron 466.  I would like to overclock it if
possible.  Any good web sites on overclocking success??

"My dispute is with the IRL. I will not support the IRL because I think that's
what has disrupted open-wheel racing in America for us.  I mean, we are pulling
in different directions and that doesn't make sense."
  -- Mario Andretti, May 2000



by DLK » Tue, 23 May 2000 04:00:00




by Gillis » Tue, 23 May 2000 04:00:00

A celeron 466 isn't very overclockable, early celerons used to be good
overclockers, but the later models don't go to high.
Don't expect your celly to go far over 500.


Don Burnett


by Don Burnett » Wed, 24 May 2000 04:00:00

Also try out the overclockers newsgroup - alt.comp.hardware.overclocking -
should be on your news server. Excellent newsgroup, with plenty of folks
there able and willing to help.
I'm not sure what the 466 is clocked at, but it is clock locked. You'll have
to adjust your FSB ( front side bus) speed on your motherboard to give it a
boost. For instance, my Celeron 300a is multiplier locked at 4.5 to run on a
66 mhz bus speed, however by changing my bus speed to 100 mhz, I have it
running at 450 mhz ( 100 x 4.5).
You'll need to find out what your 466's mulitplier is, and what is involved
in changing the bus speed on your motherboard,

Don Burnette
Dburn in N3 and Legends

ICQ# 74084566

> try

> > I used to overclock my P150.  I haven't been into it much lately.
> > Last July I purchased a Celeron 466.  I would like to overclock it if
> > possible.  Any good web sites on overclocking success??

> > ----
> > "My dispute is with the IRL. I will not support the IRL because I think
> that's
> > what has disrupted open-wheel racing in America for us.  I mean, we are
> pulling
> > in different directions and that doesn't make sense."
> >   -- Mario Andretti, May 2000

Don Hancock (


by Don Hancock ( » Wed, 24 May 2000 04:00:00

>I used to overclock my P150.  I haven't been into it much lately.
>Last July I purchased a Celeron 466.  I would like to overclock it if
>possible.  Any good web sites on overclocking success??

    As mentioned below, check the websites: is another
good one.
    Your Celery 466 is clock locked at 7.  It expects a bus speed of 66MHz.
As mentioned below, if you tweak your bus speed you can boost your CPU's
throughput.  75MHz will give you 525, but can***with your PCI and AGP
bus speeds (they're typically a multiple of your CPU clock - setting your
CPU clock to a nonstandard speed can cause "undesirable" effects).  83MHz
will give you 581 (which is probably the HIGHEST you should expect), but
you'll probably need to up the core voltage to your CPU to get it to run

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