Moyer) writes:
>On Wed, 25 Feb 2004 17:27:43 -0600, Dave Henrie
>> I did not see the question/answer session on Speedchannels Windtunnel
>>with Dave Despain that featured the despoiler of US Openwheel racing. But
>>I did catch the show the very next day and I'd like to thank a fellow named
>>Russ who called in. He was right on target. Although a punch on nose
>>seems a-bit mild... :)
>Someone needs to post an avi of this on Eldred's site. =)
Let me know where I can get it.<g>
Thank Ped Xing - he's the guy who sent it to digital. I'm just hosting it...
I also have a couple more things to post, but I'm out of HD space right now. I
either need to configure another system, or drop a larger drive in the existing
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