Beginners request


Beginners request

by Fitz » Tue, 25 Aug 1998 04:00:00

Is there any good sites where I can down load some basic car set-ups to
improve my times and drivig, in addition is there a place to race for
rookies so I don't go on line and ruin it for the pro's
Ken Pryo

Beginners request

by Ken Pryo » Tue, 25 Aug 1998 04:00:00

There are plenty of good setups at:

Walk Walke

Beginners request

by Walk Walke » Tue, 25 Aug 1998 04:00:00

For good setups check out:

As far as being a rookie, don't let that bother you. As long as you do your
best to be a clean racer, people will respect you. Learn how to hold your
line either high or low and mainly, learn your own limitations.

Don't go entering a race at Loudon if you've never run there. Practice a
track offline until you are very comfortable. Sign on to TEN and then create
a race at that track.

The main thing is to be in control. If you're all over the track, you're not
ready to be online.

-/- Walk Walker
#0 Microsoft Sidewinder Chevrolet
Official HAL Backmarker

Matthias Buesi

Beginners request

by Matthias Buesi » Wed, 26 Aug 1998 04:00:00

Sorry, but for what game ?????

Also, man mailt sich...

.\\atze        [ FmMW2109 - FmMB2139 ]

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