Decisions, decisions... Rally Masters


Decisions, decisions... Rally Masters

by Jay » Fri, 28 Apr 2000 04:00:00

After playing the RM demo, I'm very tempted to take the leap and buy the
full out game from which is nearly $50 US including
standard shipping (3-5 business days).

However I'd be willing to hold off if I knew that CMR2 or Ubisoft's Rally
game will be available in the next month or so.

Anyone heard a word on those two?????

I've thought about getting RC2000, but was totally turned off by the
frustrating car handling in the demo (yes I know the real deal + patches is
supposed to be much better) but the other factor is that my current system
is a bit dated. (saving up for a new one in 6 months or so)

I've only got a PII 266, 128meg RAM, 16meg RivaTNT video + V2 12 meg add-on
and a Soundblaster Live X-Gamer...

But the real kicker is that I'm quite low on HD space, so unless I remove
something (which I'd rather not) I doubt I'd have the space to run RC2000 on
my meager system worth a hoot..

Which leaves me with the dilemma.... Spend the $$$ now (a bit pricey as it's
an import) or hold off to see if it will hit USA store shelves.

Does anyone have a clue when that might happen?

Given my situation, what would you do? ! ?

Thanks for the advice...
Jay J


Decisions, decisions... Rally Masters

by himrli.. » Sat, 29 Apr 2000 04:00:00

I happen to love RC2K, but we'll leave that aside for the moment.  :)

Rally Masters (aka Test Drive Rally) will not be released in the US
until November (!) according to Babbage's.  And EB has dropped Test
Drive Rally completely from its projected release list.

AFAIK, CMR 2.0 is not yet slated to be released in the US.

When Ubisoft's Rally Racing Simulation will actually show up is also
an open question.

Given your HD constraints, it might be an idea to bite the bullet and
go for Rally Masters.  It only eats about 17MB and it should run very
well on your system.  I have almost the same system (only difference
being that it's a PII-300 with an old SB16 ISA card) and it runs just

Remove "hi" from address or it will bounce....

Kieran Larki

Decisions, decisions... Rally Masters

by Kieran Larki » Sat, 29 Apr 2000 04:00:00

i live in uk i can get rally masters for 25.99 then post it to you but i am
not sure about the postage cost and exchage rat it could be $50+

> I happen to love RC2K, but we'll leave that aside for the moment.  :)

> Rally Masters (aka Test Drive Rally) will not be released in the US
> until November (!) according to Babbage's.  And EB has dropped Test
> Drive Rally completely from its projected release list.

> AFAIK, CMR 2.0 is not yet slated to be released in the US.

> When Ubisoft's Rally Racing Simulation will actually show up is also
> an open question.

> Given your HD constraints, it might be an idea to bite the bullet and
> go for Rally Masters.  It only eats about 17MB and it should run very
> well on your system.  I have almost the same system (only difference
> being that it's a PII-300 with an old SB16 ISA card) and it runs just
> fine.

> >After playing the RM demo, I'm very tempted to take the leap and buy the
> >full out game from which is nearly $50 US including
> >standard shipping (3-5 business days).

> >However I'd be willing to hold off if I knew that CMR2 or Ubisoft's Rally
> >game will be available in the next month or so.

> >Anyone heard a word on those two?????

> >I've thought about getting RC2000, but was totally turned off by the
> >frustrating car handling in the demo (yes I know the real deal + patches
> >supposed to be much better) but the other factor is that my current
> >is a bit dated. (saving up for a new one in 6 months or so)

> >I've only got a PII 266, 128meg RAM, 16meg RivaTNT video + V2 12 meg
> >and a Soundblaster Live X-Gamer...

> >But the real kicker is that I'm quite low on HD space, so unless I remove
> >something (which I'd rather not) I doubt I'd have the space to run RC2000
> >my meager system worth a hoot..

> >Which leaves me with the dilemma.... Spend the $$$ now (a bit pricey as
> >an import) or hold off to see if it will hit USA store shelves.

> >Does anyone have a clue when that might happen?

> >Given my situation, what would you do? ! ?

> >Thanks for the advice...
> >Jay J

> Remove "hi" from address or it will bounce....

David Butte

Decisions, decisions... Rally Masters

by David Butte » Sun, 30 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Get Rally Masters. It's a lot of fun, and runs well on average systems.
The car handling isn't that great, but it's more of an arcade game in
any case (and light years ahead of Sega Rally II PC).

CMR 2.0 is too far off to wait for, really - if it was out next week,
it'd be different. In any case, I've just read an article in PC ***
World that implies you'll need a PII-350 or so as a minimum.

Rally Championship is absolutely fantastic (and yes, it's a *lot*
better than the demo), but your system will be struggling. The
recommended spec is a PIII-500, and my Celeron 400 is only just good
enough to get a good fps count. And, of course, it's a *very* difficult
game - the GPL of rallying.

So, get Rally Masters. It's great.
"After all, a mere thousand yards - such a harmless little knoll,
(Raymond Mays on Shelsley Walsh)


Decisions, decisions... Rally Masters

by Jay » Wed, 03 May 2000 04:00:00

Thanks for the help....

I wound up purchacing it from and it arrived last

Jay J

Sent via
Before you buy.

Ashley McConnel

Decisions, decisions... Rally Masters

by Ashley McConnel » Thu, 04 May 2000 04:00:00

Hope to see you online! (usually on the NGI server)

Ashley (ashman)

| Thanks for the help....
| I wound up purchacing it from and it arrived last
| night!
| Jay J
| Sent via
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