Folks, a very high level marketing group did a study on RAS recently,
to see why people post on here. Me, being the reporter that I am,
thought you all should know the results...
10) To check up on the latest polls of whether Grand Prix Legends was realistic or not
9) To get a sense of security for their alter-ego by telling everyone how they started
this newsgroup, and now run it
8) To get out of doing their homework
7) As an alternative to playing baseball with rotten eggs, or hitting themselves over the
head with a frying pan
6) To continue their flame war that started on NROS when one guy sent the other guy
into the fence
5) To tell everyone the results of a real race, hoping to catch someone unawares that
has to watch the race tape-delayed
4) To find out what the latest simulator is, and then start a war by calling it unrealistic.
This is secondary to their real plans, which is to take over the world by overloading
the newservers on the internet
3) They got here by mistake, and thought that "simulators" was "stimulators". They
were really looking for "alt.binaries.***a.powered.***.objects"
2) They're wheel/pedals broke, and the only "fix" they could get was to come on here
and read all the posts. This is called "sim-syndrome", and is also marked by
foaming at the mouth, calling up controller manufacturers and making bomb
threats, and removing the steering wheel and gas/brake from the family car in
a doomed attempt to "get on the track"
1) To find honest useful information about racing simulators (that wasn't really a reason,
I just thought I'd throw it in there)
??Jan Kohl?? **The Pits Performance Team**
Computer Systems Programmer
USAF Air-Ground Operations School
Hurlburt Field, FL
Castle Graphics -
The Pits -