OT: help me pick up a modem

* Leon

OT: help me pick up a modem

by * Leon » Wed, 03 Nov 1999 04:00:00


I need some help in selecting a modem
mainly to keep up with internet multiplayer .

what features should I have ?
I am thinking of a 56k USB modem
but I dont know about these voice over net thingy
and duplex voice etc.........

some USB MODEM I have seen have only
phone cable and USB CABLE,     seem
almost too small ( ! )


Dave Henri

OT: help me pick up a modem

by Dave Henri » Thu, 04 Nov 1999 04:00:00

  Go to eagle woman's site.  buried in the sim pages is a faq about usb
modems.  For gpl, they seem to be ideal.
dave henrie

> Hi

> I need some help in selecting a modem
> mainly to keep up with internet multiplayer .

> what features should I have ?
> I am thinking of a 56k USB modem
> but I dont know about these voice over net thingy
> and duplex voice etc.........

> some USB MODEM I have seen have only
> phone cable and USB CABLE,     seem
> almost too small ( ! )

> thanks
> Leong

* Leon

OT: help me pick up a modem

by * Leon » Thu, 04 Nov 1999 04:00:00

that's where I got the idea
but there wasn't much info
about anything else I might need
for things like voice-over-net
or ROGER WILLY thingy

>   Go to eagle woman's site.  buried in the sim pages is a faq about usb
> modems.  For gpl, they seem to be ideal.
> dave henrie

> > Hi

> > I need some help in selecting a modem
> > mainly to keep up with internet multiplayer .

> > what features should I have ?
> > I am thinking of a 56k USB modem
> > but I dont know about these voice over net thingy
> > and duplex voice etc.........

> > some USB MODEM I have seen have only
> > phone cable and USB CABLE,     seem
> > almost too small ( ! )

> > thanks
> > Leong

Tim (fusio

OT: help me pick up a modem

by Tim (fusio » Fri, 05 Nov 1999 04:00:00

>that's where I got the idea
>but there wasn't much info
>about anything else I might need
>for things like voice-over-net
>or ROGER WILLY thingy

If you don't mind an ISA modem, check out the Zoom internal 56K (not
the Winmodem).
I get consitently better connects and transfers with mine than I do
with my Diamond Supra (serial). Best modem I've ever owned.



OT: help me pick up a modem

by JayL » Fri, 05 Nov 1999 04:00:00

I could not agree more with you.  I have a zoom 2919 ISA (non-winmodem), by
far the best modem I have ever owned.  Much better than my previous Supra
piece of crap.  I just bought another one for the office.  Needless to say,
it is highly recommended.

Administrator of the FSCombat mailing list

> >yeah
> >that's where I got the idea
> >but there wasn't much info
> >about anything else I might need
> >for things like voice-over-net
> >or ROGER WILLY thingy

> If you don't mind an ISA modem, check out the Zoom internal 56K (not
> the Winmodem).
> I get consitently better connects and transfers with mine than I do
> with my Diamond Supra (serial). Best modem I've ever owned.

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