I know that we are spending all our time racing right now, but has anyone
seen any new cars for Nascar2 yet, if so where.
I know that we are spending all our time racing right now, but has anyone
seen any new cars for Nascar2 yet, if so where.
> I know that we are spending all our time racing right now, but has anyone
> seen any new cars for Nascar2 yet, if so where.
> Thanks
More cars will should be added shortly.
Larry Abels
____- /\
____- /**\ HOME: http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/2412
__L_- /****\
__J_- /** -- **\
____- /**/----\**\ Check my HOME Page for ORIGINAL
____- /**/ \**\ Modified Stock Car Stuff!
- --- 812 ---
Don't know if you've ever been here before? But check it out it's pretty
cool! They have Jarret and Irvin. Both of which where not included with
the game for some odd reason?
As usual, IWCCCARS is right on top of things. You'll find the #25, #28, and
#88 at:
BTW, there was some noise back a week or so ago about getting Tony Johns an
early copy. If you check out the credits, you'll see that both Tony and Pat
Campbell were beta testers.
Thanks for the cars, Tony. Keep 'em comin'!
Oh, and where are the car templates, gotta get my car done right here
pretty soon. <g>
Dave (davids) Sparks
Late Night League
> Don't know if you've ever been here before? But check it out it's pretty
> cool! They have Jarret and Irvin. Both of which where not included with
> the game for some odd reason?