IICC2 rules final, signup info

Peter Burk

IICC2 rules final, signup info

by Peter Burk » Fri, 09 Jun 1995 04:00:00

rules are at in teh IICC/Rules directory, and
on the web page at
better read this stuff in detail before considering to run this series,
since it is going to be the hardest competition in online racing yet.
Only 6 tracks, but the 'good ones' and highly tweaked track and AI files.
First race is due 6/26/95 at Milwaukee. We will finish the season just
in time to break in ICR 2.0 at the end of the year.

Signup: All drivers who competed last season are automatically eligible to
run IICC2 - they just need to send info to me if their team affiliation

Basically - if I get a result from an ex-IICC driver, it will be the
official signup.

New drivers, please send this info to me:

in which you should include the following information:

Driver name
Email address
Team name (fictitious)
Sponsor name (fictitious)
add to mailing list (yes/no)
ftp access (yes/no)

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