on the web page at http://www.racesimcentral.net/
better read this stuff in detail before considering to run this series,
since it is going to be the hardest competition in online racing yet.
Only 6 tracks, but the 'good ones' and highly tweaked track and AI files.
First race is due 6/26/95 at Milwaukee. We will finish the season just
in time to break in ICR 2.0 at the end of the year.
Signup: All drivers who competed last season are automatically eligible to
run IICC2 - they just need to send info to me if their team affiliation
Basically - if I get a result from an ex-IICC driver, it will be the
official signup.
New drivers, please send this info to me:
in which you should include the following information:
Driver name
Email address
Team name (fictitious)
Sponsor name (fictitious)
add to mailing list (yes/no)
ftp access (yes/no)
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1210 W. Dayton St., Madison, WI 53706 |