obsessive cynics who always see the glass as half empty instead of half full
when it comes to any new racing sims. Some extremist GPL fanatics have
already declared that their will never ever ever be another sim as good as
GPL, which renders their opinions pretty worthless given such a
predisposition toward negativity . Although , I guess if a new game were to
ever come out that (ymenard) and company actually gave rave reviews, it
would have to be pretty awesome, but I think it will be a cold day in you
know where before that happens. Anyways, I was thinking about some of the
new games that have come out in the last year or so, and I was wondering
which ones other people have actually thought were fun. I am not asking you
whether you thought the game was extremely accurate as a sim, or was
revolutionary, or was nearly flawless , or even lived up to your
expectations and anticipations. I would like to know which games were fun
for you , warts and all.
here is a list of games that I had fun playing, many of which I would never
have been aware of had I not heard at least a few positive comments from the
more objective voices in this newsgroup. I greatly appreciate those
newsgroup participants who seem to be on top of any breaking news on whats
going on in the sim racing world.
1. Mercedes Benz Truck Racing
2. Screamer 4X4
3. Motocross madness 2
4. Nascar 4
5. Nascar Heat
7. ATV Offroad Fury PS2
All of these games made me smile at some point and think, " this is so much
fun, I love videogames ".