racing...I'm not good enough, not enough bandwidth, I don't know the tracks
well enough, it looks too complicated...blah, blah, anyone who hasn't
tried it yet, GET THEE TO VROC! I only have a lowly V.90 winmodem in a very old
house, the best connection I can get here is about 33K, so there have been more
disconnects than races, but when I do connect...WOW! It ain't nothing like
driving against the AI cars, that's for sure.
Many thanks to all of you out there who have worked to get this program working
so well, you've made a great sim experience even better.
And I apologize in advance to anyone I may block or run off the track in the
next few days :-) I'm not quite sure what to do when a car is warping all over
the track in front of me, usually when I try to set up a pass the car jumps
right into my path, I guess I have to plan my passes better!