Voodoo2 - 1000

George Ada

Voodoo2 - 1000

by George Ada » Tue, 14 Mar 2000 04:00:00

Thanks to all that replied to my problem of my system failing to recognize the
Voodoo2 card. I did a complete reinstall last night (for the ump***th time)
and lo an behold it recognized the card asnd loaded the drivers. Works like a
charm and breathes a little new life into my antique system.

Thanks again.

George Adams

"From the rockin' of the cradle to the rollin' of the hearse, the goin' up was
worth the comin' down."
___Kris Kristofferson "The Pilgrim/Chapter 33"


Voodoo2 - 1000

by Zonto » Tue, 14 Mar 2000 04:00:00

Good to hear it is working.  Something I have had to do in the past is
remove the drivers then remove the card re-boot, shut down, re-install
the card and manually install the drivers.  My card is an Quantum 3D
Obsidian and for some reason I have trouble with the colors using the
3dfx reference drivers.

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