>It would just be the same thing because isnt the banking in the turns 1 & 2
>the same as 3 & 4?
Darlington? The lady in black? Too tough to tame?
No way! Turns 1&2 are alot tighter in real life and in the sim.
There was a minnow pond behind T2 that influenced the track's distinct
"egg" shape.
The T3/T4 end is the tricky one since you can carry alot more speed
tru there and the T4 exit can be disastrous. (Due to the high speeds,
change in banking, and the outside wall coming in to meet you :-) ).
The entrance to T3 is one of the most critical parts about driving
Darlington in the sim.
I do not have an answer for Gary about swapping the s/f line.
I suspect papyrus will have to make some changes to get everything
swapped over to the other side.
Best Wishes!!!
Robert Huggins
Raleigh, NC