that I use for my File Server, and a PC50 that houses my main desktop.
Today, I upgraded the Power Supply in my PC50 to a new Antec True-Power 430,
and took the Antec 350 from it and upgraded the Power supply in the File
After I changed out the supply in the PC70, I powered it up to make sure
everything was ok before putting the side-panel back on.
I'm glad I did!
THREE of the four factory fans that came in the PC70 were totally DEAD.
They were just sitting there, not spinning at all. Well, one was rotating
at about 5rpm.
That's not good considering this file server has five Maxtor DiamondMax Plus
7200 RPM Drives in the front lower drive carrier.
I replaced them with new Antec Ball Bearing fans.
So, if you use a Lian Li case, CHECK YOUR FANS!
The fans that came out of mine are labeled as follows:
DC Brushless
Model AD0812MS-A76GL
DC 12V
0.15 A
Batch Stamp 12115
Also, if you need Fans, check and make sure you get the right one's. The
PC70, like many Lian Li's larger cases, has a 3-speed switch under the front
panel so you can adjust the speed. The Fans connect to a small circuit
board up front, and then the board connects via a standard 4-pin Molex to a
normal PS supply lead. The Fans themselves connect to the PCB via standard
3-pin connectors. If you have this setup, make sure your Fans have FULL
3-pin connectors and not just the RPM lead on the 3-pin.
If you run your fans at full speed, as I do, then it really doesn't matter.
You can bypass the Lian Li device and plug directly into a PS supply lead.
My Fans only had the speed sense on the small connector so this is what I
had to do. Since I run at full speed anyway, it doesn't matter.