Having borrowed a Multi system game controller to play gp2 on I decided
that although better than a joystick I was not that impressed .The
cumbersome gearchange buttons sometimes worked and then sometimes not
(Brilliant for consistant lap times...not)and the pedals were iffy.So to
cut a long story short I`ve been looking for another system to purchase.
what I want to know is this.
Thrustmaster 2 : Is this system worth contemplating as there seems to be
a lot of people asking for setups, repairs and general help.
Thrustmaster also make a GP1 system with gearchange buttons on the wheel
not a sequential gearchange knob (Any body using one ,whats it like?).
Other systems of megga bucks are on the market ,but Im not that
interested to have a***pit around me with wind blowing in my face
(large jar of dead flies included).
I would be interested to here from anybody with any advice.
Tony Starbuck.......
"If Grand Prix cars left earlier,
they wouldn`t need to go so fast".